DIAView Product Experience Activity

Mar.01 8:00--June.01 8:00
Contact Telephone
Activity State
1 Experience Process
  • 01
    Free Applicate
  • 02
    Public Names
  • 03
    Select Delivery
  • 04
    Product Trial
  • 05
    Post Report
  • 06
    Report Awards
  • 07
    Activity Closed
2 Activity Awards
  • First [One Place]
    1000 JD e Card
  • Second [Two Places]
    500 JD e Card
  • Third [Three Places]
    300 JD e Card
  • Others [Eighty Places]
    Computer Package
3 Rules
  1. Participants in the activity should post trial reports and actual pictures.
  2. Photos of the actual application will be shown at the activity Forums.
  3. The activity organizers will conduct a comprehensive evaluation based on the content and application of the report, the quality of the photos and the feedback from the activities forum, and select the winners of each award.
  4. The copyright to interpret this activity is owned by http://www.gkong.com/try/diaview.html.
  5. If you want to know about more activity detail informations,Please click here  Here
4 Participation Requirements
A) Registration stage Awards:
  1. This activity for automation technology developers, product maintenance personnel and other practitioners.
  2. Anyone who meets the requirement will receive a copy of the manual book.
  3. Before posting the experience report, eighty users can receive the "Delta Computer Package", except for one or two, three and other prizes.
B) Product experience Awards:
  1. Provide trial reports and be objective and impartial.
  2. The experience of providing products with application needs priority.
  3. Practical application project is preferred.